these feelings are not mine..


This blog has been on my head maybe for the past 2 weeks, i even thought about the right picture in my head as part of coming up with this. I had again to write it to clear the top of the stack, and allow more new life conclusions to come. It’s like clearing mental cloak of thoughts..

The universe again has been throwing good influences at my face, to help me more in the personal growth that should help me in better on my journey. It was Alan Watts, another Taoism Western philosopher, who’s gifted with a charismatic voice, and a subtle sense of humor that made his speeches elates your mind, and seduce your soul

I could finally tap my hands on the influence of being conditioned from the society to feel a lot of things, i realized that a lot of the daily feelings that rinse my soul are not really mine, in the sense that i was conditioned to feel that way, because either i was expected, or was reacting from my conditioned self or subconscious.

Now, after nearly a month of meditating, i could notice a lot of positive changes on myself. in terms of physiological health, controlling my appetite, being more aware about my needs and when i need to stop. accompanied by a feeling of tranquility and quietness, more peace with my existence, less resentment and more accepting and more presence in the now. And more new feelings washing over me, deep feelings of contentedness to everything around me. I can’t deny that i lost a lot of weight of emotions than didn’t belong to me, these feelings that has always been attributed to me, rather than me attributed to it

It takes a lot of effort to unlearn, and de-condition what you’ve been used to feel and react for years. But it comes with a great relief when you give up on these feelings. Of the things I’ve deeply understood finally, that everything that happens to me, is actually happening with me.. in the sense that I am the cause and the effect at the same time, which has led me to be more aware of my karmic circle, that i am working harder on clearing it as i tread in life.. it’s back to the energy theory, that every action, or word vibrates in a certain way, and the universe responds to it according to its intentions. I could say that actions and words are coupled with intentions at which the energy is determined. If your actions, and/or words are in line with your intentions, then the energy produced is believed to be more powerful to the cause and effect, that you’d most probably get the effect/reply from the universe upon you, but on the right time. The opposite is also true, if your actions and/or words coupled with intentions are not homogeneous, it is believed that the energy produced from each will negate each other, and will probably cause no to negative effect/reply from the universe

I’ve always believed that intentions are the gateway to make things happen, this is why when we pray or meditate we always keep on repeating the intentions as mantras, as sort of affirmation to the universe and reminder to our conscious self that this is what we are trying/intending to do, and here it comes the actions that follows, as a sort of bringing the energy to it to make it happen, or in other words to make it observable

It’s really awkward the idea of how relational and interdependent is our universe, in the sense that everything is proved to exist in relation to other things, no single entity in this universe exist on its own, maybe this what makes this what brings the oneness to the universe, and made everyone from far east teachings teach us that all cause and effect are interrelated, the unity, the oneness.. etc. I finally got to understand what does it mean that you should love yourself first, before you are able to let anyone love you. If you love yourself truly, and the universe is a reflection of you, what you put into it. Then in your eyes, your subjective universe will be good, which will make you in turn see the good in everyone, and help you in being more compassionate, and feel empathy for other’s pains.. maybe!

It’s also noticeable how we are unconsciously influencing everyone around us by just being, if whatever around us is a subjective image of how our neural system has sensed through the retina of the eyes, the drums of the ears, and smell through of the nostrils. This makes the universe around us a subjective universe, can you imagine that there are more than 7 billion earths as subjectively perceived by humans?! this is next to other/all living creatures and their subjective perception of the universe. This is endless, but it’s magnificent at the same time.. and less boring, and more encouraging at least for the human species, as everyone see their earth differently, and they know what it needs the most according to his subjective universe

The idea of the subject and object, that the object needs a subject to acknowledge its existence. The observer needs an observee to exist, the observer puts their subjective energy into the observee and make it an object. This is is how we are relational universe works, nothing exist without the other, nothing comes from the void, and the existence of anything is proved by its relation to the other. As if creating a new thing into the world, like in my case founding a company takes a lot of time of accumulated energy, and self affirmation before anyone can acknowledge the validity of my idea. The energy that I put into energy which comes from the daily self affirmations, coupled with actions and doing, is the energy that I will be getting in time from the same exact thing.. after certain amount of energy, people will start acknowledging the newly created object, and start accordingly pouring energy into it, allowing it o flourish more and more.. and this is what a believe is like, pouring your energy into the unknown, till the unknown receives enough energy to come from the unknown..

Concluding that life works in energy fields.. and you create such energy when your intentions, are homogeneous with your words and actions, that you out in a certain idea or object that after a certain amount of time, it emerges from the unknown.. this is why we are always advised with repeating positive mantras to ourselves, before taking actions.. a way to remind ourselves and aligning our actions with our intentions.. a way to open up an energy channel to start pouring into with your words and actions.. when you do something that you love, you have your words, and actions are aligned together that you feel that the impossible has become possible. The opposite is also right, when things does not seem to happen, something has been wrong in the formula.. your intentions were not in line with your actions and words

This means that from now on, you have all the control over how life is happening to you, you can wisely choose where to invest your energy which is also formed as feelings, this includes freeing yourself from the energy of unnecessary feelings.. the feeling that the world is conspiring on you, happening to you, rather than happening with you or responding to you.. viewing everything as normal even if they have no clear understanding to you.. knowing that your subjective universe is the one that may needs clearance and cleansing from your viscous karmic circle.. knowing how to send, receive and spend your energy on things that really matters. Knowing that when you’re authentic and genuine, which translates into a homogeneity between words, actions and intentions.. which results flowing with life, rather than being against it..

The struggle between you and the universe, is a struggle of energy you thought you’ve invested and put into the universe, at which it responded to your energy. When you realize that you’ve been the culprit all along the way, when your intentions were not aligned with your words and actions.. have a look again on yourself, it has always been you.. the universe does not commit mistakes!

Till next time..

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